With the help of 2D animated videos, you can tell interesting extraordinary stories. Such a picture is easily perceived by the viewer and goes against the trends, allowing you to create a unique narrative style on behalf of your brand


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    Budget efficiency

    Lower production costs compared to 3D animation or live action footage. This is due to a simpler development process and fewer hardware and software requirements.
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    Unique visual style

    2D animation allows you to create vivid and memorable images that can be easily adapted to the company's corporate identity. It can convey moods and emotions that are difficult to express in 3D or through live action photography.
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    Flexibility in storytelling

    The ability to easily change the script, characters and backgrounds without significant investment of time and resources. This allows you to quickly adjust content to your customer's needs and target audience, creating more personalized promotional materials.


  • Discussion
    You fill out a brief or call our manager immediately. We clarify your needs and project details and guide you through the price range.
  • Document flow and prepayment
    Once you confirm your decision to go ahead with the project, we will prepare a detailed estimate and draft an agreement. We usually require a 50% prepayment to start a project.
  • Start of work
    We discuss style, object and character references with you and prepare 3 top-level concepts of what the video could look like. You provide comments and choose one of the three directions we will go in. Then the concept artist takes them to work and prepares storyboards of the future project showing all the scenes that will be in the video.
  • Animatic
    You confirm the concept and storyboard of the project, then we start with the creation of the animatic - the development of simplified animation that demonstrates the basic movements and sequence of scenes, allowing you to evaluate the composition of the frame, rhythm and dynamics.
  • Object sketching
    In this stage, the illustrator creates the final designs of all elements, including characters, objects and backgrounds, according to the approved style.
  • Animation of objects
    After the drawn objects are approved, the animation process begins. Assembly of scenes using animated objects and backgrounds. After the final revision of the picture we give the video for voice-over.
  • Sound
    Our sound director creates from scratch sound effects, background music or buys sound tracks on the stock (depending on the task) and sends three variants of voicing under the video providing the desired sound and atmosphere, then the customer chooses what he likes most in tandem with the picture.
  • Final editing
    At this stage there is a general assembly of animation and sound, checking for compliance with the requirements. Sending the finished result to the customer for final evaluation.
  • Closing documents and postpayment
    We prepare closing documents and invoice for postpayment of the project. Also, we always conduct closing CustDev calls to get feedback from the customer at the end of the project to analyze the effectiveness of the work.
Contact us!
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