#1 Mila Taglianova
Collection concept: what is it about and for whom?— The target audience of my collection is young people from 18 to 25 years old.

Applicants, students, graduates, those who are looking for themselves in life, trying to develop in different directions, interested in new knowledge and information.This consumer is looking for something special in the image to stand out from others, but at the same time follow the general wave of the trend. Also, the print on the clothes should not only cling visually, but also carry a certain story behind it.

What difficulties did you encounter when creating it?
— I have been choosing and creating a print for a long time that I could like and fit the concept of the model. It was important that his visualization not only looked nice, but also retained its texture and shape after all the actions with him.There was also a lack of time in production. Despite the fact that it was also not easy to come (geographically I live in St. Petersburg), I would like more time for each student to work out the product more thoroughly, but our receptionist Saida worked hard, for this special thanks to her :)
— I have been choosing and creating a print for a long time that I could like and fit the concept of the model. It was important that his visualization not only looked nice, but also retained its texture and shape after all the actions with him.There was also a lack of time in production. Despite the fact that it was also not easy to come (geographically I live in St. Petersburg), I would like more time for each student to work out the product more thoroughly, but our receptionist Saida worked hard, for this special thanks to her :)

In the print itself, I wanted to reflect interest in the new, previously unknown, including the history of Egypt, which, like life itself, remains not fully explored. On the one hand, it's super bright and tempting, and on the other, it's unknown and unexplored. Therefore, the motives of Egypt and the strong masters of the tiger beasts were chosen.Did you manage to realize what you wanted?— Yes, we managed to realize what we wanted. The only thing was that there was not enough time to create a second image.
Designer's contacts:
#2 Sergei Zharov
The collection "Legends of the Red Night" reflects the mystical stories of the ancient East, where dragons and samurai were connected by a special thread. When creating it, I was inspired by Japanese motifs. The main idea of the collection is to transfer ancient stories into modern images, which are translated using prints and patterns and combine traditional Japanese motifs and modern fashion. Wide and long sleeves, as a tribute to the kimono culture.

As for the difficulties during the course, there were almost none. The only thing was that I didn't have enough free time to implement all the ideas and select a drawing, but here I was helped out by a team of both teachers and students who were willing to take any adventures!

Assistance in the selection of accessories for the final image, in working with prints (which were far from easy to generate and adapt to the final look on the product) — thank you for everything!

Special thanks to the administrator Saida (@saidamuslimova)who almost spent the night at the factory and worked on our products, such people are worth their weight in gold! Together, we managed to finalize the drawing in Photoshop and add small details that would be invisible at first glance. So, we almost became pixel artists)

1.5 months flew by like one day, I love everyone!
#3 Yulia Kuznetsova
The concept of the Utopia collection is escapism in the digital world.
For people who appreciate bright design and spend a lot of time online.
Work on the collection.The most difficult thing was to decide on the final prints, I made a huge number of generations of prints, of which it was difficult to choose only 4, and I also had to check how they would look after, adapted to knitwear. Many of the textures that initially seemed interesting lost their appearance after adaptation.
For people who appreciate bright design and spend a lot of time online.
Work on the collection.The most difficult thing was to decide on the final prints, I made a huge number of generations of prints, of which it was difficult to choose only 4, and I also had to check how they would look after, adapted to knitwear. Many of the textures that initially seemed interesting lost their appearance after adaptation.

There were no difficulties in the production, we were helped by the sorceress of knitwear, desinator Saida (@saidamuslimova )

I think the stylization reflects the concept of the collection well: going into the digital world, where we choose which of the personalities to show or choose the preservation of complete anonymity. So we see the faces completely only on the sweater and cardigan in the form of a print, but not on the models.

My products at the end of the course say more than words. I am delighted with the result. Many thanks to all the teachers of the Scheme who supported creative choice and helped with advice, without killing motivation. As a result, I mastered the pipeline from generation to physical product and became more confident in my design skills.
The show was a wonderful celebration of the final of the course, without it there was no sense of completion. After all, whether it's a digital model or a phydigital, it must be seen.
The show was a wonderful celebration of the final of the course, without it there was no sense of completion. After all, whether it's a digital model or a phydigital, it must be seen.

I thank the Scheme for the opportunity to study on the course. It was a wonderful experience 💖
Контакты дизайнера:
#4 Arina Shemonaeva
When I was working on the collection, professional teachers who were always ready to help helped a lot.

The concept of my collection was the desire to express natural floral textures in clothes. When creating the collection, I faced such difficulties as: lack of knowledge of clo 3d and photoshop programs (it's good that colleagues were nearby).

When I formed the image and selected accessories, I relied on the advice of teachers and more experienced students.

По итогу курса мне удалось воплотить свою идею и раскрыть задуманную концепцию. Больше всего в программе курса мне понравилось работать с нейросетями - для меня открылся новый мир возможностей для творчества!
Результат меня очень впечатлил, необычайный показ останется в сердце навсегда!
Результат меня очень впечатлил, необычайный показ останется в сердце навсегда!